zaterdag 5 november 2011

Win 1 copy of My Memories Suite digital scrapbooking software

I have the opportunity to give away 1 copy of the digital scrapbook software

My Memories Suite v2.

My Memories Suite is rated #1 by Amazon and TopTen Reviews. Using this software, anyone can create digital scrapbooks, photobooks, cards, calendars and gifts without having to buy expensive and complicated software programs.

I tried it out myself and I think that it is extremely easy and fun to use.

Look at some of the pages I made at the bottom of this message. I used my own kits as well as some kits from the store at My Memories. You should take a look at all the beautiful goodies they have here

Now as I wrote in the beginning, I am going to give away 1 copy of this software and as it is my birthday in a few days this will be my present to you. It’s very easy for you to give it a try.

To enter the giveaway you should go to the site and choose your favorite digital kit or layout, then leave a comment on my blog telling me which one you chose.

I’ll pick a winner at the end of the week (Saturday November 12th).


J’ai la chance de pouvoir donner 1 copie gratuit du digital scrapbook software

My Memories Suite v2.

Numero 1 dans le top 10 d’Amazon. Ce logiciel vous permet de créer des pages, livres photos, cartes, calendrier et beaucoup plus encore.

Je l’ai essayé et c’est très facile a utiliser. Plus bas vous pouvez voir quelques pages que j’ai fait avec le logiciel. J’ai utilisé mes kits mais aussi des kits de la boutique My Memories. Et la carte de vœux je l’ai fait avec les papiers et éléments du logiciel.

Alors comme je disais je vais vous donner la chance de gagner ce logiciel. Pour ça il vous faudra aller voir sur My Memories et me donner dans le message si dessous votre page ou kit préféré.

La gagnante (ou le gagnant) sera choisit samedi prochain (12 novembre).

N’oublié donc pas de revenir voir le post samedi soir pour voir qui a gagné.

Here are some of the pages I made
with my new kit
Colorful Grace
This 2 with the kit Falling Leaves made by Valcrea

These are made with the papers and elements comming with the software.
Just look the beautiful Christmas Card you can make with it.

Sure you would love to make such pages yourself, so give it a try and leave me a comment.

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