dinsdag 25 september 2012

Blogtrain Marques-Pages du Forum digiscrapamities


Kit ou autres en collaboration avec le forum Digiscrap Amitié
 Le preview général du blog train, vous pouvez téléchargez chacune des parties, rendez-vous sur le blog de mes amies, dont le lien est plus bas, surtout n'oubliez pas le petit commentaire qui nous fait tant plaisir.

Les marques pages sont fait avec mes kits
In the Moutains
 Little Treasures
Colorful Grace
Christmas Dreams
Les kits sont en ventes dans mes boutiques


 Voici ma partie vous pouvez la téléchargez ici

Blogs des participantes

- Jolie-coeur : http://jolie-coeurscraps.over-blog.com/

- Wiwigeoun : http://croqueenscrap.blogspot.fr/

- Maminounou : hébergée par Jolie-coeur. :

- Simplette : http://simplette.over-blog.fr

- Leaugoscrap : http://lea-ugo-scrap.over-blog.com/

- Talou : www.digiscrapdetalou.canalblog.com

- Framboise : hébergée par Wiwigeoun. :

- Juju : http://juliettecreations.over-blog.com/

- Angélina : hébergée par Juliettecréation. (Juju) 

maandag 17 september 2012

New Collab at Digiscrap.nl Moods


Deze keer hebben de designers gekozen voor 'Moods' als thema
Wij hebben samen weer met heel veel plezier gewerkt aan deze collabkit van maar liefst 140 elementen, 37 structuur, effen en patroon papers. De mooie warme kleuren lenen zich ervoor de mooiste LO's te maken en je kunt er heel veel kanten mee op! Scrap eens je (klein)kind in een boze bui in plaats van met een lach, je zult er versteld van staan hoe leuk dat is!

zaterdag 15 september 2012

Sale and Designer Collaboration Level Up and free kit with 10$ purchasem Moo Two Designs

Designer Collaboration

Level Up

Woooooo hoooo Bang!! Pow!! Bam Bam!! Explosions and Loads of Fun!! That is what playing games on the computer or a console means for me. It means fun with family and friends and just quiet time by myself if I want. I just love the old style platform games and the shoot 'em ups. It was a huge challenge to see who could get the highest score and there were heaps of arguements about who had more time on the Commodore 64 than others did. Then there was the fun of going to the local bowling alley and playing Space Invaders on the table console or the upright machine. Spending mum and dad's hard worked for money on pressing that little button over and over again and being killed by the baddie. Here is a wonderful kit that will help you relive those memories all over again and preserve them for future generations. It is even versatile enough to cover the most recent gamers too!! So get out those computer games and get a Level Up!! You might even find some old fashioned board game paraphernalia too!
This is a whopping big kit with 1 alpha and 103 awesome elements and 59 amazing papers. Enjoy!!
On Speical price till Sept 30th


layouts by our Creative Team Teenybop61, Twizzle and Nelleke


 Sale autumn products PU and CU and 2 new kits CU
Autumn Leaves and Autumn Fruits

Spend just $10.00 in the store and you can get this
great collaboration kit FREE

There are 57 papers all different types, colors, patterns and textures 
and 115 Elements included : ribbons, birds, fruits, veggies,
summer treats, birds, bugs, trees, tents, kids, word art,
gardening tools, flowers, frames, feathers, kite, journaling blocks
and many other items. You won't be disappointed in this kit. 


woensdag 12 september 2012

Sale Autumn Products and new kit CU Autumn Leaves and Autumn Fruits + 2 100% coupons for In the Mountains

 Sale autumn products PU and CU and 2 new kits CU
Autumn Leaves and Autumn Fruits

 In the Moutains

I give away to coupons for to get this kit for free
 These will only work for the first customer, so be fast if you don't want to miss it.

Code: HSAMountains2012 at DSD
Code: HSAMountains2012a at Moo Two Designs


dinsdag 4 september 2012

CT Call and new kit In the Mountains 35% off and 2 coupons for 100%

My new kit In the Moutains is available in my stores now and 35% off until sunday.
this beautiful kit is based on the mountains. Lot of elements are made with my vacationphotos taken in the pyrenees.
This region is so beautiful and the nature is overwelming. That inspired me a lot for this kit.
More than 170 elements with and without realistic drop shadows in several versions and 17 papers.

I give away to coupons for to get this kit for free
 These will only work for the first customer, so be fast if you don't want to miss it.

Code: HSAMountains2012 at DSD
Code: HSAMountains2012a at Moo Two Designs